person holding firecracker at night

Moving On

Letting go of the unreasonable expectations
Letting go of the pressure throbbing in my brain
Enough of the days and weeks ruminating and stressing
Enough of being judged by standards that I have no say in
Moving on from the people I should be pleasing
Moving on from the system that I should be fitting in

Shed the layer of 20s
Rebirth in the 30s
A new era, a new Me

In reading the Art of Happiness, I am more focused on prioritizing my appreciation, contentment and joyfulness. I am meditating, and am grateful for every day. The Art of Happiness is to pursue activities that lead to wholesome living, and avoid activities that lead to suffering. What activities may this be and how do we move on from where we are to be renewed?

Thank you to Gerry C and Sue W for hosting the weekly challenge: Moving On

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