As a big milestone birthday is coming up, I went back and forth on what to do, what to do.
I wanted it to be something special that I can remember, so my last few years’ birthdays of staying at home and having a picnic in the backyard was out. Though, that was very enticing and almost won!
Should I go big and celebrate at the historic resort? Or rent a nice Airbnb and go downtown? As I was wandering around the internet for awhile, I found this beautiful cabin near Asheville.
The listing caught my eye instantly, for its rustic wooden cabin color. I was drawn to the bunk beds set up hosting up to 7 guests and pets welcome! We were considering boarding Mai, our family dog, for the weekend. I was so excited that Mai was able to join the festivities.
The more I read, the more I was excited. Clicked to book.
Too soon. My stomach dropped as I looked closer at the pictures. The cabin was open on one side (no fourth well). Ah! In the middle of March, I was worried of the cold for my family, especially my mom, who is very adverse to cold.
I made sure to warn everyone in advance that it will be cold, so they will pack extra layers.
The day comes and it was beautiful weather. We split into two groups: my siblings with Mai were to go first. Cuong and my mom came later so that he can help drive the car later when my mom finishes working.
The cabin was a short drive 30 minutes Asheville, and about a 1h 15m drive from our house. Not bad at all. We arrived in the afternoon, and as we’re pulling up, the streets were looking aesthetically very Ghibli. Houses had lots of flowering trees.
As we arrived, we let Mai out and she immediately roamed the perimeters. The rest of us explored the cabin’s contents. We assigned beds and checked out the kitchen as well. We had a propane stove, kitchenware, tubs, firestarting kits, seasonings. Surpassed our expectations!
After a bit of rest, we decided to go look for the waterfall to toss our dog into. The hike up was very beatiful. It was very green and lush. We hiked in flip flops and crocs because we weren’t expecting to hike. The way to the top was short. My siblings played lovely offline lofi and nostalgic soft music while hiking which made for a lovely mood.
Back at the cabin, Tam and Thanh volunteered to gather wood. They took the van up the mountain again where we saw big logs while walking the path earlier. Despite worrying for their ability to drive up the narrow road, I calmed my nerves to remind that they’re both adults now!
Thien and I stayed behind to start the fire and search for spring water. Thien worked on gathering small fuels, firestarters, and shaping up our fire. He also stopped to help me carry buckets of water from the spring nearby for our drinking and dishwashing later on. It was a simple life like no other.
A few moments later, I see the van coming down the mountain with the backdoor open and Thanh calling out to us as she sits hanging on the side. They gathered a floor’s load of wood! With additional wood, Thien was way more than equipped to start the fire. The fire started instantly.
With the fire started, Thien tended to the fire, while the rest of us prepped for dinner to be cooked on the fire. Our signature camping food “pig slop” includes fire roasted potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onion, mayo and seasonings. As soon as we saw coals red, we tossed the potatoes in there for about 40 minutes.

Memories: Late night poetry – finance talk – Next day Ramen, leftovers – Fire, more smores, hotdogs, Winthien’s wolf spider coming back to the same spot and getting caught, fire/string lights aesthetic, hotdog, ramen, Mai gets to eat nice too! – Mai cruising around like she owns the place.

Undoubtably, despite the initial uncertainties, this glamping trip became an unforgettable birthday celebration filled with laughter, fireside stories, and the simple joy of being together in the mountains. Most importantly, I am spending time and being together with my favorite people .