I made it!!!!!!!
For those who have never heard of this challenge, here is your opportunity to read it all the way ’til the end: 21 Weeks of Travel Blogging Challenge (feel free to do a challenge of yourself!).
After over three months of blogging, there are a few posts that I’m quite proud of for writing myself. Here are some of the best:
Challenge Highlights
- Unusual Traveling Activities
- Inspirations for Traveling
- Top Three Cultural Foods
- Guide to Traveling Japan (for Beginners)
- Little Known Travel Tips
As I approached this last post, I feel nervous and excited. Nervous because I feel as if I have exhausted my writing topics. What else is there to share aside from all the experiences I’ve had?
With the end in sight, I’m excited because I’ve stuck to this challenge through the end. There were definitely weeks where I did not feel like writing, but this challenge had motivated me to get back into my blogging grind. Furthermore, this challenge was born from one of my monthly goals list, and I’m quite happy about being able to finish it.
I’ve learned a lot from this blogging challenge. I have practiced determination by pursuing a hobby and passion of mine through long, lazy days. I have learned to flow my writing better. Best of all, I’ve made great fun blogging friends along the way.
Again, do check out my 21 Weeks of Travel Blogging Challenge, where you will find the rest of the challenge prompts!
What’s next?
Well, now that I’m out of a 3+ month long blogging commitment, I want to take a break from challenge prompts for a little bit.
I’m hoping to get an actual blog domain for myself in the next few months. This would be a great way to explore uncharted waters and take a dive in the deep blogging pool. Adventures ahead!
What are some of your goals and proud accomplishments?
Thanks for reading! This is a response to the 21 Weeks of Travel Blogging Challenge!
Here are some other posts you might like:
- Practical Things to Know About Moving from a Small Town to New York City
- The Ultimate Guide to Traveling Japan (for Beginners)
- Travel Planning and Stress
- Impressive Structures Around the World
Read more of my posts from the Travel Blogging Challenge:
Week 1: A favorite travel photo of you and intro
Week 2: Little known travel tips
Week 3: Funny travel story
Week 4: Travel Misadventures
Week 5: Top Three Cultural Foods
Week 6: Unusual Travel Activities/Photos
Week 7: Inspiration for Traveling
Week 8: My Five Favorite Travel Blogs
Week 9: Gross/Disgusting Travel Stories
Week 10: The Most Unforgettable Adventures!
Week 11: What’s in my bag?
Week 12: Happy and sad travel stories
Week 13: Unique cultures encountered
Week 14: Top three favorite destinations
Week 15: Travel regrets
Week 16: Scary and cool travel stories
Week 17: Things to purge
Week 18: Humbling things learned from traveling
Week 19: My Travel Confessions and Regrets
Week 20: What’s in my Journal Entry?
Week 21: My Travel Bucket List
These awesome people are also doing the challenge!!! Click to see their stories!
- In the Wild LA – Julie
- Journey Through the Trees – Victoria
- Trouvaille, Mon Cher – Aly
- Simply Kailin – Emily
Interested in participating in the Weekly Travel Blogging Challenge? Feel free to make your own today!